
By Sheryl - 11:16 PM

Update: I brought my bunny down for a walk!!!
But he was too damn lazy to move.

** **

The upcoming weeks are going to be filled with so much chaos. I can already feel it. It'll be really intense with so many things to get done. I hope I make it through without breaking down again. I don't think I'm ready to face so much stress, ha ha. Hope can only bring us that far and you'll never be stronger nor wiser nor better if you don't give your ultimate best. I've made a promise that I would do my best, no matter what. So yes, I will push myself further, I will do my best. No one said it'll be easy, this is life- and I just have to grit my teeth and get over the tough times

Here's to a crazy hectic and busy week ahead. 

with much love, sheryl (ɔ˘ ³(ˆ‿ˆc)

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